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Doug Redding

Michael Ori

Doug Redding


Life is not measured by the amount of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
— Unknown

Doug Redding has always been interested in art & design. He excelled in Art class in High School, studied graphic design in college for a couple of years paired with a strong interest in interior design. He got side tracked by the mortgage industry; first as a loan officer, then as asset manager for a National REO/Foreclosure company, and finally as a real estates agent. However, he came back to his passion for design 8 years ago when a friend approached him about a job in sales at European Marble & Granite. He has been an amazing addition to the European Marble & Granite family who takes pride in his work.

"European Marble is like a second family to me. Everyone gets along so well and is united with a common goal to be the best in all that we do." - Doug Redding

As a sales representative, Doug particularly enjoys working with couples. He feels a sense of accomplishment when he can get both clients to come to an agreement on the perfect stone and design for their home. It's a balance of getting to know and understand the clients aesthetic, style, color palette (warm or cool tones), etc by asking lots of questions and then building upon those answers to bring about the perfect solution for their space. Maintaining a sense of pride in his work, engaging with clients, and enjoying camaraderie with his peers, Doug has become a valuable asset to European Marble & Granite. Doug is assisted in his work by his associates Jody Pierce and Sergio Rodriguez.