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Rod Budge

Michael Ori



I strive for two things in design: simplicity and clarity. Great design is born of these two things.
— Lindon Leader

After receiving his MBA from Brigham Young University, Rod worked in commercial lending, operations, and project management on a corporate level before coming to European Marble & Granite. Over the past 24 years, Rod has managed the company’s scheduling, operations, purchasing, accounting functions, as well as overseeing a significant percentage of EMG’s sales accounts.

Rod’s substantial background provides vision that assists designers and clients who may need expertise in the specialized and rapidly changing industry of stone and tile. Rod is now focused on sales and is supported by his two associates, Stephanie Atwood and Kristy Verde who together, have a combined 25 years of customer service and design experience.

In his free time, Rod enjoys traveling to tennis tournaments with his wife Jeanene, hiking, biking, and other activities with his two sons.