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Tally Stevens

Michael Ori



Create your own style… let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.
— Anna Wintour

Tally has always had a keen eye for design, fashion, and architecture. This passion led him to a position at European Marble and Granite as a sales assistant to owner Kathleen Fuhriman. Over the years of working closely with Kathleen, Tally developed his set of skills to become a Lead Salesperson. Continuing the mentorship model, Tally applies the lessons he has learned as he guides his two talented sales associates, Federico Bravo and Juan Garcia.

Tally provides his clients with design expertise and extensive knowledge of stone and tile to create inspiring spaces. The challenges presented to create something distinctive for the client are what drive him. Finding unique stone slabs and marrying them to original layouts that speak to the client are the most rewarding aspects of his job. 

Tally participates with the local chapter of the National Kitchen & Bath Association. In his free time he worked on renovating his 1955 Mid-Century “Atomic Ranch” home (link) with his partner Rustin and dog Bob Marley. He is now working with Rustin on their latest home project aptly named “Grandma Chic”.